Photo by:Ernesto Mancebo
Choreography and Text: Ronald K. Brown
Music: Philip Hamilton
Sweet Honey and the Rock
Cutumba Ballet Folkoriko de Santiago de Cuba
Toumani Diabate
Costume Designer: Carolyn Meckha Cherry & Omotayo Wunmi Oliya
Lighting Design: Brenda Gray
Walking Out the Dark was co-commissioned by the American Dance Festival with support from the Doris Duke Awards for New Work and Philip Morris Companies, Inc., the Bessie Schonberg/First Light Commissioning program of New York’s Dance Theatre Workshop with funds from the Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation and the Greenwall Foundation with additional funds provided by Chase Manhattan Bank; the National Endowment for the Arts; the Aaron Davis Hall Fund for New Work, and The University of Texas at Austin Topfer Endowment for the Performing Arts. Walking Out the Dark was made possible by the Doris Duke Fund for Dance of the National Dance Project, a program administered by the New England Foundation for the Arts with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Philip Morris Companies, Inc.